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by LinkExchange
Important Annoucement
12 June 2006 - The new release candidate,
6.20rc9 is available.
After version 6.20 is finalised, the work for removing the 16-bit support will begin.
There is also a release candidate for OCFNext, it is versioned
6.20rc9, to be in sync with OWLNext,
although there were no OCFNext 6.20rc1-rc6,rc8.
9 March 2006 - There is a proposal to remove the 16-bit support in the source code of OWLNext in order
to clean the code base and optimize several function calls.
If anyone is still interested in using a 16-bit version of OWLNext, please post to the
mailing list
This site contain OWL related material:
 | OWL patch: path that allow you upgrade OWL 5.01/5.02/5.03/5.4/5.5, shipped with Borland
5.01/5.2/BCB 3.0/4.0/5.0 to enchased version OWL. See Installation & Test page for more
info |
 | New OWL extension OWLExt, created by OWL Dev group. |
 | New OWL FX library |
 | Instructions how to install patch. |
 | Documentation and examples how to use OWL. |
 | Tips and Tricks. |
 | Questions and Answers page. |
 | Tutorial from Borland. |
 | OWL Development Toolkit for VC 6.0 and BCB - tools to create and manage OWL projects
under VC 6.0 and BCB (BCB AppExpert preview). |
 | Examples how to use new OWL classes. |
 | And many many other..... |
Owl Next Mailing Lists:
Notes about OWL NExt
 | What OWL NExt have:
 | Compatible with BC++ 5.x , BCB 3.0/4.0/5.0, VC++ 5.0/6.0, GCC
(MingW) compilers. |
 | Fixed many bugs. |
 | Not based on BIDS, have internal portable container library and BIDS emulation
layer.(Use STL) |
 | New features and classes, full support for new common controls. |
 | Support for new STL iostreams introduced with VC++ and Builder
3.0/4.0/5.0. |
 | Support for namespaces for VC 6.0 and BCB 3.0/4.0/5.0 |
 | Support for STL string for BCB 3.0/4.0/5.0 and VC 6.0 or old string, optionally. |
 | Support for UNICODE for VC 6.0 and BCB 4.0/5.0 (not fully checked) |
 | Support Persistent Stream for VC 6.0 and BCB x.x |
 | Support Japan language. |
 | Internet support (not finished). |
 | What OWL NExt doesn't have:
 | Only DLL Win32 and Static Win32 configurations is checked, and provided. |
 | Please note: OWL NExt not fully tested, I just not have time to
test it, I tested many samples, not all! See Installation & Test page. |
 | Please note: OWL NExt provided "as is" without express or implied
warranty. |
Donations And Contributions.
 | OWL NExt Project need your suggestion, donation of code, bug descriptions and
workarounds. |
 | OWL NExt Project need your help to test OWL. |
 | OWL NExt Project need your help to test other configurations:
Win16, Static Library. |
 | I did with OWL a big project and have many useful classes, that I've include in OWL NExt
or OWLExt library.Sure every one have something that will be useful for OWL community, why
not contribute it? |