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Owl & Printing - the dos way in win95?

Date: 11/30/99
Time: 12:10:49 AM

Q. Well I'm doing this project, and fore some reason my client insist on being able to print line by line to a printer,- simular to the way it was done with matrixprinters. The program is a win95 application and does anyone know. I can twist owl or windows to be able to do this trick. Currently I'm writing to a file, with the exstensions lpt1 og 2, that does put som print on the paper, but I cannot format my text with bold, italic etc.

Here is some code may be helpful to you. The idea is just use TextOut to printer dc.

if (theApp->Printing && theApp->Printer && !rect.IsEmpty()) {
    // Use pageSize to get the size of the window to render
    into. For a Window it's the client area,
    // for a printer it's the printer DC dimensions and for
    print preview it's the layout window.
    TSize pageSize(rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom - rect.top);

    HFONT hFont = (HFONT)GetWindowFont();
    TFont font("Courier New", -12);
    if (hFont == 0)

    int fHeight = (dc.GetTextMetrics(tm) == true) ? tm.tmHeight + tm.tmExternalLeading : 10;

    // How many lines of this font can we fit on a page.
    int linesPerPage = MulDiv(pageSize.cy-200, 1, fHeight);
    if (linesPerPage) {
        TPrintDialog::TData &printerData = theApp->Printer->GetSetup();
        int maxPg = ((GetCount() / linesPerPage) + 1.0);

        // Compute the number of pages to print.
        printerData.MinPage = 1;
        printerData.MaxPage = maxPg;

        // Do the text stuff:
        int fromPage = printerData.FromPage == -1 ? 1 :
        int toPage = printerData.ToPage == -1 ? 1 :
        char buffer[255];
        int currentPage = fromPage;

        while (currentPage <= toPage) {
            int startLine = (currentPage - 1) * linesPerPage;
            int lineIdx = 0;
            while (lineIdx < linesPerPage) {
                // If the string is no longer valid then there's nothing more to display.
                if (GetString(buffer, startLine + lineIdx) < 0)
                // this is the key code to print text line by line to printer:
                dc.TabbedTextOut(TPoint(50, lineIdx * fHeight + 100), buffer, strlen(buffer), 0, NULL, 0);

Guoxing Yang

Last changed: July 14, 2001